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TPT 3/8/22 Notes (5.1 + 5.2):
- Largest publically traded companies: Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple
- Guy like Dang Vo, Compsci Undergrad –> Patent Law
- Drones like to survey land or against privacy +/-, ex of beneficial or harmful effects
- Dopamine makes you feel good, like gaming
- Having an intervention, gaming is more prevelant in guys on average
- Phone tree like calling CVS
- Proedural style of coding like this doc of code
- Recognizing digitla divide, some people don’t have access to even like basic technology ini likke NJ
- Beuractratic block like for not seeing certain sites
Git Action (5.1)
- Come up with three of your own Beneficial and corresponding Harmful Effects of Computing Three more beneficial effects of computing are problem solving, hand-eye coordination, and also learning collaborative skills. Three more harmful effects of computing are eye strain, furthering the digital divide, and also that is can take away from the real issues.
- Talk about dopamine issues above. Real? Parent conspiracy? Anything that is impacting your personal study and success in High School? Dopamine issues are real for sure. For example, the dopamine rush of completing a game or engaging on social media can distract sudents. For example, would I rather work on a long-term project or get the short term satisfaction of just playing a game for a bit longer. I am still impacted, but not too much, since I don’t really play games since they’re too boring, but the same concept exists.
Git Action (5.2)
- How does someone empower themself in a digital world? Now more than ever, in a digital world, it is important to empower ourselves by like becomign familiar with tech and they way it is. One way to do so would be like by making sure that you are familiar with the digital world. this would mean taking classes like Computer Sciecne in the rela world with Mort and Naidu.
- How does someone that is empowered help someone that is not empowered? By empowering them too. For example, you could help them learn the concept or at least not be as alien to other types of technology they mayb not be familiar with, for example with like elders.
- Describe something you could do at Del Norte HS. Is paper or red tape blocking digital empowerment? Are there such barriers at Del Norte? Elsewhere? Something we could do is petition the school to get rid of the internet block. For example, it doesn’t make sense that block the internet and like useful sites just to stop people from playing game. The bueracrats don’t seem to know that our phones already have a lot fo the games and we can use vpn so it’s really just an unneccessary restriction.